Well after thinking about making a mini cab with rotating control panel for
months I finally get to build one. Inspired by cabinets from Tbombaci,
TrickyFishy and Oscar I will try to make a 70% mini MultiWilliams cab that can
rotate to a spinner and trackball panel and a second cabinet with a street
fighter panel but similar in shape.
Too bad they're not for me....
I've been yapping it up so much at work lately that Glenn and Steve are willing
to pay for materials for me to make a couple. The first will have artwork from
a Multi Williams but replaced with Mini Williams
The second will have other artwork, not yet decided.
I've taken a Defender cab dimensions and shrunk them to 70% which will make the
cab about 49" tall. In order to fit all of the MW controls in there to play
Defender/Stargate correctly I had to stretch the depth of the panel to about 6
3/4". This pushes the panel toward the player so now instead of a vertical
front I will have an angle. Doesn't look too bad? Even though a 70% cab should
have a 15" monitor they have insisted on a 17".
The cabinets are not complete yet but you can get an update of progress here:
Working on Mini-Multi-Williams hybrid